Embers & Musk is a potent talismanic force field: bold, tenacious, consciousness-altering. I literally had to stop what I was doing and sit down. This is one working illustration of the potential of plants. -- Ida Meister, CaFleureBon
Immediately we're plunged into glowing hot coals, the shimmering mirage of tarmac radiating on a sultry, stormy day. But then a white, musky floralcy slowly unfurls; a kind of blossoming rebirth with surreal delicacy and a surprising tenderness. It feels like witnessing the ghostly apparition of snowflakes gathering on lava, a shower of magnolia petals borne aloft on a volcanic breeze. -- Suzy Nightingale, Beyond Pale
One of those rare fragrances that is truly transportive. Shake off the shackles of modern life and wear this to remember the ancient folk we once were, living as one with nature. An opening of crisp green apple, followed closely by juicy pink pepper berries from underneath the apple tree. The pine trees surround you and the smoke from the fire infuses your hair and your clothes with warm, smoky embers. The musk is the scent of warm, clean skin. -- Sam Scriven, I Scent You A Day
Embers & Musk reminds me of camping trips among the Florida pines. I was worried that the delicate ambrettolide would get stuck in the stickiness of the tar. What happens is why I write about perfume and why Ms. Aftel makes perfume -- she knew exactly how to give both essences room to shine. It is why she remains one of my favorite perfumers. -- Mark Behnke, Colognoisseur
A scent that excites and entices; the floral impact of a gorgeous Red Champaca absolute is the perfect complement to the terpenic smokiness, creating a supple waxen sensuality that mixes with yuzu and a crisp apple note that Mandy uses from time to time to illuminate the overtures of compositions. She said to me she had striven hard to achieve the perfect merging of smoke and musk in this hypnotic scent and you can feel that in the rarified balance of fumes and musked, erotic floral notes. In the erudite hands of Mandy Aftel smoke becomes a living curling entity that rolls generously yet quietly over the body, entwining with musks, flowers and fleshly sap. Buy it: radiate strangeness, fire & forest. -- Alex Musgrave
A rich illustration of smoke in all its small fingers and wisps. Mandy has allowed a feather-weighted musk to act as the gold around an icon, gently dispersing light and radiance. This is airy, spacious, like something traveling upward in the sky. For materials that are normally considered so dark, they are transformed in Embers & Musk into breathy, aspirated voices. -- John Biebel, Fragrantica
Extremely addictive and mesmerising like only staring into a fire can be. This is a night-time scent and one that will light things up with its addictive quality, but at the same time over the days I've worn the fragrance it has provided a level of snuggly comfort too. It seems to walk that fine line and is all the better for it. -- Megan In Sainte Maxime
